Saturday, April 4, 2020

Calling All Angels

Do you believe in angels?

I do
I truly do

I believe that we are surrounded by angels 
as we navigate this life here on earth.
I believe we each have guardian angels.
Multiple angels who stand guard for us daily.
I also believe we can command our angels
to go to those who need them in critical moments.
Several days ago I commanded my guardian angels
to go be with my sweet Dad who is battling this
horrific COVID virus miles away from me
and all alone. He is alone just like so many
others who are battling this virus without
the support of loved ones by their side.
So I sent my angels.
You can do the same.
Just tell them where to go and just like that
they GO.

The angels can be with my Dad while I cannot.
He will feel their peaceful presence.
He will know he is not alone.
My angels will join his and together
they will create an army around him.
An army of love and light.
God's love
God's light

Angel of God 
My guardian dear 
To Whom His love 
Commits me here 
Ever this day 
Be at my side 
To light and guard 
To rule and guide. 

God bless those who are suffering from this
virus and may you feel God's perfect love
for you now and in the difficult days ahead.

Beautiful Angel Card
Compliments of The Graphics Fairy