Friday, January 8, 2010

Dump Cake For Mama!

Here is the scenario.......
Hubby calls Mama at 4:00
in the afternoon!
"Hi Honey, I've invited Wilbur
for dinner!"
Mama say's......"Are you kidding me?"
Mama hangs up the phone.
Mama says a few choice words!
Mama grabs the car keys and RUNS to the grocery store!
This is where the DUMP CAKE comes in!

So Listen Up Clever Mama's!
This is What You Do.......
1.  Go to the store and purchase a plain
angel food cake.
2.  Bring it home and plop it on a pretty cake platter!
3.  Make your way to the pantry!
4.  Grab the chocolate syrup and or caramel syrup.  Grab chocolate chips and nuts of any kind.
5.  Dump syrup over cake.  Dump nuts and chocolate on top of syrup.  Dump more syrup.  Dump more chocolate.

There you go!
Mama is so Clever 
It won't be pretty!
You can just see it 
in her eyes!
She is plotting her 
He won't even
know what hit him!
It could have been the 
cast iron skillet, the meat cleaver,
the 20 lb sack of potatoes......
so many weapons in a kitchen
a mama can choose from!
One may never know!


mizdarlin said...

Eek! That's why I'm single...just have to look at your pics and gain 5 pounds, Mama Holli!

Hearts Turned said...

Hilarious, Holli! You're a very clever mama! The cake looks delicious--gonna have to try that one!

Sandra Wilkes said...

It actually looks very good. I'm so not a good cook my hubs would never do that! But just in case, I'll be ready with the cake!

Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

Great and quick solution for a pretty treat! Thanks for linking to TMTT this week.

Steph @ somewhatsimple said...

Mmmmm.... I want to come over next time you make this!

trooppetrie said...

i think i will have to try this one. so easy

Jelli said...

My husband did something similar this week. Monday afternoon I received a call. "Can we invite my boss, ex-boss and other colleagues for dinner TOMORROW?" I say "of course" and then spend countless hours paging through cookbooks to find a dinner suitable for 6 guests who are coming the next day. Luckily, I managed to work it out, only having to purchase a can of coconut milk. Stressful. I love your strategy!

annies home said...

this looks good